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Victim Advocates provide personal support, assist in identifying and using campus, community, and other resources, can work with faculty and staff on campus, and can accompany a victim to services or appointments. The service is free and client-centered, which enables an individual to decide the best course of action.  Conversations with a Victim Advocate are confidential and do not commit you to any future action. Discussions with an Advocate do not constitute making a report or filing a formal complaint. An Advocate will not contact academic or University staff, parents or others without the client's consent. To assure confidentiality, the office does not keep formal records for Gannett or the University.

Call to schedule a face-to-face or phone appointment: 607 255-1212  

If you prefer, you may e-mail:
Please note: email is not secure for confidential communication

Victim Advocates

Cornell Support

All victims/ survivors of sexual violence have the right to determine what sort of help and which courses of action are best for them. The resources below are taken from Cornell's SHARE website. This page simply provides a quick overview, but SHARE goes into further detail about the services provided by each resource.


If you are unsure what to say when a friend, colleague, or peer confides in you, a great way to start the conversation is "Are you getting the help you need?" When a victim/survivor shares with you, you may be the first or the fifteenth person they have told and they can be at different points in the recovery process.  The victim/survivor may be sharing this personal information with you just to inform you, but they also may be seeking guidance. By starting with this question, you are showing that you respect the autonomy of the victim/survivor and you are leaving the door open to extend a hand and provide options. 

Ithaca Resources

Additional Resources

Cornell Reporting Resources

  • The Advocacy Center of Tompkins County: support, advocacy, and resources: (607) 277-5000

  • Cayuga Medical Center (CMC) Emergency Department: for emergency medical care: (607) 274-4411

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